Balvu Centrālā bibliotēka

Tirgus ielā 7, Balvi
no 2024. gada 1. jūnija līdz 31. decembrim
Pirmdien 10.00 - 18.00
Otrdien 10.00 - 18.00
Trešdien 10.00 - 18.00
Ceturtdien 10.00 - 18.00
Piektdien, sestdien, svētdien SLĒGTS.

Autors: Sam Atkinson

You can achieve your business dream. Beat the odds as you learn from the best – including Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates – and turn your idea into an amazing and profitable enterprise.

The Business Book helps you over the hurdles facing every new business, such as finding a gap in the market, securing finance, employing people, and creating an eye-catching brand. It is a plain-speaking visual guide to 80 of the most important commerce theories including chaos theory, critical path analysis, market mapping, and the MABA matrix

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